Meditation, the act of clearing your mind and achieving a state of emotional stillness, is an amazing practice to add to your daily routine. You will notice that the more you meditate, the calmer you are in general. It isn’t that nothing in your life causes stress, but you can handle it much better, along with more mental awareness, clarity, and mindfulness.
But when should you meditate? While you can practice meditation at any time during the day, there are certain times that might be more effective.
The Magic Hours AKA Witching Hour
The time of day when spiritual people often manifest is during what is known as The Witching Hour. This is typically at 3:00 am, but it can be considered a spiritual time between 2 and 5 am. The reason it is known as the witching hour is that this is when the veil between life and death is thought to be the thinnest.
Many spiritual people participate in practices during his time, including meditation. But even if you don’t believe in that, it is also a very still and quiet time in the early morning, so meditation can be a little easier.
First Thing in the Morning
If you don’t want to wake up quite that early, the next best time to meditate is just whenever you wake up in the morning. Try to set your alarm a little earlier than necessary so you have a few minutes of quiet before you need to get ready for your day. The first thing in the morning is when your mind is most relaxed. You have yet to check your phone, read social media, or talk to anyone. You can also do this after journaling, which may allow you to clear any worries you have first thing in the morning.
In the Evening When You Are Relaxing
Many people struggle to meditate in the morning because it is often chaotic even right when you wake up. If this is the case for you, then in the evening during your nighttime routine is another great option. You just want to make sure you are relaxed and the house is quiet and free of distractions. If you have a sleep routine where you begin relaxing an hour before bed, that is a good time to fit in your meditation practice. It might help to put it next to a related activity at night, such as meditating after writing in your gratitude journal, or in bed shortly before you are going to sleep.
Your Most Restful Part of the Day
The most important thing about meditation is that you are completely at rest and can clear your mind. You want a quiet, comfortable, peaceful environment so meditation. If this means it is in the middle of the day, then that’s perfect for you.
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